Virtual Immersion Performance
My research is rooted in narrative scenarios and stems towards technically driven stagings. Work is structured through nodes of information,

The elderly, MONA VR Therapy immersions and story
The tones of life, after a certain age, extend beyond the mere accents of a past unavailable, they become the living substance of resolve: i

with Felix Bachmann Quadros, Manuela Bernasconi, Bernardo Nante, Andrea Cavarra, Alessandra Faienza, Nuria Prazak.
Shekinah de los Claveles,

VR immersions, towards performance.
Healing Museum Virtual Reality Immersions at La Sosta day center, Pro Senectute Ticino, April 2019. Ruse Laboratories Xocolat

Performing the void.
I’ve just spent a long week workshopping through VR with high dozens of school students in the area of Fribourg. Most of these young souls h

How Virtual Reality ties it all together.
Sit and meditate. I know it's a bit blasé, form and age, but that's the benefit of the action I feel like placing on my working tabl

VR, future art and contextual conservation in Fribourg
A short introduction to the work in development for a number of experiences to be held in Fribourg, Switzerland, throughout the following ye