The encounters of Savvy Renard are a creative venture we've recently launched at our neighbourhood. It consists of an artist to open his personal skill, through the telling of his life story, during workshops that last the span of a weekend. They are held at Quartier de l' Auge, Fribourg.
The Savvy Renard encounters offer a first handed experience through the learning of crafts.
Meet and work with artists and share their craft.
Learn and dig in technique.
Find your talents.
Experience extraordinary moments.
Expand your creative horizons.
Acquire new skills and abilities.
The First Series
Calligrafia Cancelleresca, by Gabriela Carbognani Hess. Italian Cancelleresca scripture was used by the 1400's and developed by florentine humanists. It is written by a large pointed pen.
Gabriela Carbognani Hess is a graphic artist and professor of calligraphy. Her work explores the possibilities of expression through writing, its form and its movement.
Held January 14 and 15th.

Cajón: workshop in percussion and Afro - Peruvian rhythms, by Mario Cubillas. The cajón was born by mid 19th century. Percussion drums were used by slaves to communicate and were therefore prohibited and eliminated. With slavery abolished, and no instruments left to play, people started playing boxes, fruit and vegetable cases, to regain their possibility of drumming. The cajón, a wooden box, and its rhythms, holds testament of 500 years of a country's cultural heritage. In 1977 the group of Paco De Lucia integrated the cajón into their compositions and gained its international fame.
Mario Cubillas was born in Lima, Peru, into a family of percussionists. He learnt his first rhythms with his uncle, Eusebio Sirio "Pititi." Mario works as a full percussionists with several bands and orchestras, and has his own build of cajones peruanos, M C Percussion.
Held January 21 to 23.

Construction of leather masks by Andra Cavarra . This workshop specific to Commedia dell' Arte, is a dive into the world of the mask. Participants learn the material's docile touch to bone instruments, its strength, its way of working to forms, through a journey of the history of such masks, its characters, and to such an extent one of the cradles of modern western theatre.
Andrea Cavarra is a master mask maker. He directs the teatro popolare and artisanal association Zorba Officine Creative basen in Milan, as well as being a member of Arte Passante and holds a space to emerging artists in the metro station of Piazza Repubblica.
Held February 3 to 5.