Every artist has carries out constant research work. In as much as a work of art should clearly contain and address such a research within its sphere of legitimate life: be it stage, writing, art work, or a poem, I still find there is space for a different kind of depth to be accessible.
Out of this need, I have filled over twenty booklets of information and several published (online) journals and magazines that somehow contain information at the marrow of each production.
Now about 10 years into this type of work, I can start seeing the repetitions, the development, the transmutation of certain elements, or even anecdotes, into different substance. These journals, written solely from personal investment, without economic profit whatsoever, also carry a further intention: that of sharing a creative universe in its totality, and inspiring collaboration.
This has been the case with the Nn magazines (only 4 issues possible due to economic investment at the time), as has been the case with the Carnal Creative Universe magazine, and the subsequent production dossiers that transcend there mere explication of a project.
Ambitions are many times planted on a traveling road to a determined outcome: such is the case with Nn magazines (all issues translated into English, Spanish and Italian). These editions prove any point in generating creative life beyond the boundaries of art itself.