new performance space
Concept evolves from a need to create a space for performance, exhibition, and artistic expression that conforms to a community organic structure and complements institutional players.
During 2019 to 2021 I was involved in the creation of Gate at blueFACTORY in Fribourg, Switzerland. From a series of meetings with Martin Schick, Cultural manager of blueFACTORY, we developed a horizontal approach to manage and create opportunities. blueFACTORY is a development towards innovation on what used to be the historical factory of Cardinal beers. Gate used to be a stocking space. The allure of white tilled walls contained the space.
Until late 2021, Gate has been used as performance space for Hasard Festival, turned into a film set during pandemic for interactive streaming purposes, and used as space for rehearsals for many young theatre companies in Friburg and from abroad.